Quality Fasteners with Features Enhance Your Building Projects

Having fasteners with properties that meet your project’s needs is important. Making sure you get the job done right means having the right materials to work with, and with Construction fasteners by Midwest fastener, you’ll be able to make use of fasteners from that offer a variety of features. With three different brands of construction screws, each offering different features and qualities, Construction Fasteners can provide you with the standard duty and heavy-duty fasteners to meet and exceed any projects requirements.

Heavy Duty with Exclusive Features

Ensuring your project’s fasteners have a strong bite is just one of the major features of the SaberDrive brand of construction screws. Designed with a unique serrated thread that provides each screw with a superior bite, you can count on SaberDrive’s construction screws to give your project a strong hold that won’t come loose. Case hardened and tested under the toughest conditions, SaberDrive screws are some of the strongest screws around.
The Strongest, and Longest Lasting Grip

If you need a screw that you know won’t come loose, you can rely on the SaberDrive Platinum brand to bring you some of the longest lasting construction screws on the market. Ideal for heavy duty construction purposes, SaberDrive Platinum screws feature spiral razor tips for a fast bite and a spiral threaded shank that decreases loosening. With an ICC certification for over 2,500 hours of corrosion resistance, the SaberDrive platinum brand from Construction fasteners has qualities that make them ideal for some of the heaviest duty construction jobs.

Reliable General Construction Screws

The BuildRight brand of construction fasteners offers an effective and economical solution to your fastener needs. Offering a massive selection of screws for a variety of purposes, the BuildRight brand of construction fasteners is an excellent choice if you are looking for reliable and durable general construction screws. Great for both interior and exterior construction projects, BuildRight offers a variety of quality steel fasteners, including decking screws, drywall screws, and more to help you simplify your construction job while also helping your business to stay on budget.

The brands of construction screws from Midwest Fastener offer a wide range of qualities that can give your construction project the secure fastenings it needs. To learn more about the features and qualities that Construction Fastener’s brands by Midwest Fastener have to offer, contact us today!