Complete Your Construction Projects With Reliable Construction Fasteners

Whether you are working on an interior remodeling project, or just constructing an outdoor deck, it’s important to have a supply of reliable fasteners. Helping to supply construction crews and DIY builders alike with quality fasteners products, when you are looking for the fasteners that can help you complete any interior or exterior construction project, you can count on the construction screws from Midwest Fastener. From general purpose and deck screws that can help your complete light and standard duty project, to heavy duty screws that can hold up in even the harshest conditions, the Construction Fasteners from Midwest Fastener can meet the needs of any construction project with unmatched reliability.

Standard Duty Screws for Any Interior or Exterior Project

In any construction project, it’s important to make sure that you have the assortment of screws necessary to get the job done. Featuring a comprehensive assortment of deck screws, framing screws, drywall screws and more, the BuidlRight brand of construction screws from Midwest Fastener are manufactured to provide a durable, long-lasting hold for almost any light to standard duty construction project. Ideal for interior remodeling, repairs, and more, BuildRight can ensure that you always have a strong supply of the screws you need for any specific interior construction application.
When you need rock solid reliability for your standard duty construction projects, there’s no better choice than the SaberDrive line of construction screws from Midwest Fastener. Featuring an exclusive XL1500 Coating for case hardening and designed to eliminate the need to drill pilot holes, the SaberDrive screws can provide their strength to make any standard duty construction project last.

Heavy Duty Fasteners that Provide the Strongest Hold Possible

When you have a heavy-duty construction project that requires the strongest, longest lasting hold possible, you need the screws from the SaberDrive Platinum line from Midwest Fastener. ICC Certified with over 2500 hours of corrosion free testing, and manufactured with a countersinking arc nib to ensure that your projects have the tightest hold possible, the SaberDrive Platinum fasteners offer a dependable solution when you are looking to eliminate any concerns while working on outdoor construction projects.

When you’re looking for some of the most effective and reliable fasteners to complete your construction projects, look no further than the brands of construction screws from Midwest Fastener. Browse our fastener products online or contact us today to learn more about the BuildRight, SaberDrive, and SaberDrive Platinum screws from Midwest Fastener.